appreciating the art of divine surprise

visual art and poetry can put me in a place where i’m more likely to notice the everyday burning bushes and abounding annunciations.

i’m no less inclined than the next person to prayerfully ask God for my preferred future for myself and for my family, for my community and for our nation—indeed, for the aching wider world. but advent and christmastide invite me into something grander and, ultimately, more remarkable.

these seasons invite us to cultivate a posture of expectant waiting. yet our inherited history and tradition beckons a longing that is wholly receptive to the unexpected arrival of grace—where God’s presence is promised and declared precisely in places and voices we least expected.

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believing the story

it’s a bit like the stories we grew up hearing in a way. the story of Christ and the Good News, that is. i fear that, as adults, many put the Gospel in the same boat as all of those other stories children are told. we’re raised to believe that an overweight man with flowing […]

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